Glamour and Enjoyment at ECKART 2015 award ceremony Films

Munich. BMW Museum hosted a grand gala event for the presentation of the Eckart Witzigmann Award 2015 on Tuesday. “Chef of the century” Eckart Witzigmann paid tribute to fellow chef Massimo Bottura, the Troigros family of restaurateurs and the father of Nordic cuisine, Claus Meyer. Awards were also presented for contemporary German gastronomy, represented by three of its outstanding exponents: Ulrike Thieltges, Klaus Erfort and Melanie Wagner.

Übersicht ECKART 2015 Gala / 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart_Witzigmann Preises im BMW Museum in München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

ECKART 2015 for Innovation: Massimo Bottura, Italy 

Massimo Bottura (Kategorie „Innovation“: Massimo Bottura – Humanist am Herd) ECKART 2015 Gala / 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart_Witzigmann Preises im BMW Museum in München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Massimo Bottura combines a down-to-earthness with the avant-garde and modernizes Emilia Romagna cuisine to the highest level using poetry, creativity and humour. 

ECKART 2015 Exceptional Culinary Art ‐ Michel Troisgros for the Troisgros family, France 

Michel Troisgros und Frau Marie-Pierre (ECKART 2015 für Große Kochkunst / Kategorie : Die magische Gabe), Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Since 1968, Restaurant Troisgros, located in Roanne, has been continuously awarded three stars. Michel Troisgros, accompanied by his wife Marie-Pierre, represents the family at the awards ceremony. 

ECKART 2015 for Lifestyle Culture: The New German Cuisine 

Hosting, wine and culinary cultures are the pillars on which German cuisine is based. Ulrike Thieltges, Melanie Wagner and Klaus Erfort represent its finest virtues: 

Chefsommelière Melanie Wagner (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Anwältin der Weinkultur), Erfort (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Wahrheit auf dem Teller), Ulrike Thieltges (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Seele der Gastfreundschaft) Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Ulrike Thieltges, host of the 3-star restaurant “Sonnora” in the Eifel, congenially accompanies and compliments the creations of her husband, Helmut Thieltges, with unparalleled finesse. 

Ulrike Thieltges (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Seele der Gastfreundschaft) Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Klaus Erfort‘s creative culinary reformation at the “Gästehaus Erfort” in Saarbrücken displays a groundbreaking plea for the ingenious combination of traditional and innovative cuisine. 

Klaus Erfort (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Wahrheit auf dem Teller) Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Melanie Wagner modernizes wine culture in a sensitive and surprising manner. As winemaker and chef-sommelier for Fritz Keller at “Schwarzer Adler” in Kaiserstuhl, she amazes wine enthusiasts from all over the world, oftentimes broadening their horizons with her recommendations. 

Chefsommelière Melanie Wagner (ECKART 2015 für Lebenskultur Säulen der neuen deutschen Gastronomie / Kategorie : Anwältin der Weinkultur) Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

Claus Meyer, Denmark

Claus Meyer, founder of the “noma” in Copenhagen, has dedicated himself to high-quality community catering and fights poverty with pleasurable consumption through his foundation “Melting Pot”. He uniquely combines responsibility, creativity and the enjoyment of consumption with his vision “Food has the capacity to take people to another level.” We would also be pleased to welcome you to the dinner taking place after the awards ceremony. 

Claus Meyer Nielsen (Kategorie Kreative Verantwortung und Genuss: Claus Meyer – Armut mit Genuss bekämpfen) Eckart Preis 2015 Gala – 11. Verleihung des Internationalen Eckart Witzigmann Preises – im BMW Museum München am 20.10.2015 Agency People Image (c.) Michael Tinnefeld

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